The Beverly Deepe Keever Collection
Photos by Beverly Deepe Keever, 1964
Buddhist Student Troubles
“Buddhist followers began flying flags in Hue just as the Diem government began enforcing a long ignored ban on displaying religious flags outside of religious institutions. After the crowd heard a charismatic bonze accuse the government of religious oppression, a melee broke out; several explosions erupted, and the deputy province chief, who was Catholic, ordered troops to fire.”
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0301)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group on bicycles gather outside a cinema building.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0302)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group gathers outside a cinema building. Many are holding long sticks and climb on top of a parked car. Overhead are large advertisments for Armani, Pepsi-Cola, and a beverage called “Segi.”
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0303)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group gathers outside a cinema building. Many are holding long sticks and climb on top of a parked car. Overhead are large advertisements for Armani, Pepsi-Cola, and a beverage called “Segi.”
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0304)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group swarms around and on top of a car. In the foreground, a young boy on a bicycle looks at photographer. Closer, an officer in white waves his arms.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0305)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group swarms around and on top of a car. In the foreground stands an officer in white.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0306)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd standing outside a building.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0307)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd standing outside a building.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0308)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A tank covered with people drives down the street. A large building called “Toshida” is on the right.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0309)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A tank covered with people drives down the street.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0310)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A parade of bicycles ride down a street.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0311)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of bicyclists wait at the crosswalk. To the left is a long row of shops. Residential apartments sit above the shops.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0312)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of bicyclists and pedestrians in the street. To the left is a long row of shops. Residential apartments sit above the shops.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0313)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A city street corner. A man on a moped, a man in a cart, and four pedestrians are in the foreground. A crowd of others can be seen in the back, on the sidewalk.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0314)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of bicyclists on a street. A white-uniformed driver is exiting a military jeep parked in the street. One man in the foreground walks away from the crowd.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0315)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A wire fence on wheels keeps a group of people out of the street.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0316)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of reporters and media persons gather around a general.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0317)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of reporters and media persons wait expectantly while a general exits a car.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0318)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of military and media persons wait in a group. A man has passed in front of the photographer; his image is blurred.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0319)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd filters indoors from outside.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0320)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd filters indoors from outside.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0321)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A man takes pictures and a soldier salutes as a general walks by.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0322)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of military men holding batons cross a parking lot.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0323)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of military men cross a parking lot.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0324)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A group of military men cross a parking lot.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0326)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” Two officers, one in a rounded podium, wait in the street. In the background, a crowd of people approaches.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0327)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” Two officers, one in a rounded podium, wait in the street. In the background, a crowd of people approaches.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0328)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd gathers in the street. A young boy runs past, holding the South Vietnamese flag.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0329)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A crowd gathers in the street. A young boy runs past, holding the South Vietnamese flag.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0330)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” A large building sits at the edge of a mostly vacant parking lot. The South Vietnamese flag flies on the pole in front.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0331)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” The police occupy a street shiny with rain. Hoards of people are kept back with fences. Photo taken from within a building on the other side of the street.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0332)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” Hoards of people are kept out of a park square. Many climb onto the nearby buildings. A group stands beneath a cement gazebo. Photo taken from inside.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0333)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” The police occupy a street shiny with rain. Hoards of people are kept back with fences. Photo taken from within a building on the other side of the street.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0334)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” The police occupy a street shiny with rain. Hoards of people are kept back with fences. Photo taken from within a building on the other side of the street. The man standing beside photographer has part of his face in the shot.
Buddhist Student Troubles (363-0335)
“Buddhist Student Troubles.” The police occupy a street shiny with rain. Hoards of people are kept back with fences. Photo taken from within a building on the other side of the street.
Khanh on January 30, 1964, had launched a bloodless, internal coup against the military junta that just eighty-nine days earlier had overthrown Diem and his government. Khanh arrested the five top anti-Diem generals, ousted the civilian cabinet that they had installed, and empowered himself as prime minister and military strongman.
Khanh at Press Conference (363-02775)
Khanh at a press conference. He is holding his hands above his head.
Students and President Khan
After the Buddhist and student demonstrator mobbed his office, Khanh suddenly resigned on August 25. He flew to Dalat, and the government was placed temporarily in the hands of acting prime minister Nguyen Xuan Oanh.
Students and Pres. Khanh (363-0337)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” Four older men walking across an open area surrounded by a huge crowd.
Students and Pres. Khanh (336-0338)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” The police occupy a street shiny with rain. Hoards of people are kept back with fences. Photo taken from within a building on the other side of the street.
Students and Pres. Khanh (363-0339)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” A soldier secures something to the ground while crowds of people look on.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0340)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” More police enter the street.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0341)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” More police enter the street.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0342)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” More police enter the street.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0343)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” A single officer in white crosses an empty plaza. More men in uniform wait beyond the fence.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0344)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” A jeep overflowing with students pulls up to a building.
Student and Pres. Khanh (363-0345)
“Students at Pres. Nguyen Khanh’s Office Forcing him to Capitulate to Demands.” The crowd spills into the plaza.
Student Wreck
Student Wreck (363-0347)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” Two young men stand above a crowd. Behind them is a building.
Student Wreck (363-0350)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” A crowd of people filing into a building. To the left of the door, four children park their bikes near a table.
Student Wreck (363-0351)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” A crowd of people filing into a building. To the left of the door, four children park their bikes near a table.
Student Wreck (363-0352)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” A crowd of people filing into a building. To the left of the door, four children park their bikes near a table. A man walks in front of them.
Student Wreck (363-0353)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” Police keep a hoard of people out of an open plaza.
Student Wreck (363-0354)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” A group of young people look down on a crowd of other people and officers from a vantage point.
Student Wreck (363-0356)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” The crowd parades down the street with two large banners and the South Vietnamese flag.
Student Wreck (363-0357)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” The crowd parades down the street with two large banners and the South Vietnamese flag.
Student Wreck (363-0358)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” A long line of students in the street. Some are sitting. Some stand and hold up a large banner.
Student Wreck (363-0359)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Those on higher ground seem calm while those below have their hands in the air in various gestures of anger. There is a South Vietnamese flag.
Student Wreck (363-0360)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Those on higher ground seem calm while those below have their hands in the air in various gestures of anger. There is a South Vietnamese flag.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0361)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Those on higher ground seem calm while those below have their hands in the air in various gestures of anger. There is a South Vietnamese flag.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0362)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Several students sitting have placed papers over their heads to keep cool.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0363)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Several students sitting have placed papers over their heads to keep cool.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0364)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” Students sitting or standing. A handful of officers can be seen in the back, making their way to the front of the crowd.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0760)
“Buddhist — Monks at Pagoda — Aug 20-1964” “A row of soldiers keep a large crowd of people from coming through the fence into a plaza. In the center of the photograph, a soldier and a civilian carry an injured man. Another man takes a picture.”
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0761)
“Buddhist — Monks at Pagoda — Aug 20-1964” “A row of soldiers keep a large crowd of people from coming through the fence into a plaza. To the right, a soldier and a civilian carry an injured man.”
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0762)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Several students sitting have placed papers over their heads to keep cool.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0763)
“Students wrecking min. of info.” An enormous group of people. Several students sitting have placed papers over their heads to keep cool.
Buddhists at Pagoda (363-0764)
“Buddhist — Monks at Pagoda — Aug 20-1964” “A close up of the fence. A row of soldiers keep a large crowd of people from coming through the fence into a plaza.”
Miscellaneous Photos
BDK Portrait – USMC at Danang (363-02154)
Portrait of Beverly Deepe Keever leaning against a railing while visiting the US Marines in Danang for a Cosmopolitan article
Weapons Captured (363-03224) (1964)
Picture of weapons captured from Communist guerrilla at a fight at Cam Lo, Quang Tri province on Oct. 16, 1964
Weapons Captured (363-03225)
Picture of Communist guerrilla weapons captured at a battle on Oct. 16, 1964 Cam-Lo, Quang Tri province