The Beverly Deepe Keever Collection

Photos by Beverly Deepe Keever, 1964

Buddhist Student Troubles

“Buddhist followers began flying flags in Hue just as the Diem government began enforcing a long ignored ban on displaying religious flags outside of religious institutions. After the crowd heard a charismatic bonze accuse the government of religious oppression, a melee broke out; several explosions erupted, and the deputy province chief, who was Catholic, ordered troops to fire.”

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 93)


Khanh on January 30, 1964, had launched a bloodless, internal coup against the military junta that just eighty-nine days earlier had overthrown Diem and his government. Khanh arrested the five top anti-Diem generals, ousted the civilian cabinet that they had installed, and empowered himself as prime minister and military strongman.

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 123)

Students and President Khan

After the Buddhist and student demonstrator mobbed his office, Khanh suddenly resigned on August 25. He flew to Dalat, and the government was placed temporarily in the hands of acting prime minister Nguyen Xuan Oanh.

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 133)

Student Wreck

[T]en thousand-plus demonstrators in Hue protested the killings. The Buddhist leadership then transmitted a manifesto to Diem listing five demands: freedom to fly their flag, legal equality with the Catholic Church, an end to arrests, freedom to practice their religion, and identification of victims with punishment for perpetrators.


Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 94)

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