Buddhist/Catholic Crisis Photos


Praying (1963)

Undergirding the Buddhist grievances more fundamentally was the French-imposed Decree No. 10, which Diem had retained, labeling Buddhism as an association rather than a religion, rendering its followers as second-class and limiting their authority, power, and rights compared to those of Catholics.

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 94)

Buddhist Student Troubles (1964)

“Buddhist followers began flying flags in Hue just as the Diem government began enforcing a long ignored ban on displaying religious flags outside of religious institutions. After the crowd heard a charismatic bonze accuse the government of religious oppression, a melee broke out; several explosions erupted, and the deputy province chief, who was Catholic, ordered troops to fire.”

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 93)

Students and President Khan (1964)

After the Buddhist and student demonstrator mobbed his office, Khanh suddenly resigned on August 25. He flew to Dalat, and the government was placed temporarily in the hands of acting prime minister Nguyen Xuan Oanh.

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 133)

Student Wreck (1964)

[T]en thousand-plus demonstrators in Hue protested the killings. The Buddhist leadership then transmitted a manifesto to Diem listing five demands: freedom to fly their flag, legal equality with the Catholic Church, an end to arrests, freedom to practice their religion, and identification of victims with punishment for perpetrators.


Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 94)

Pagoda (Undated)

It the United States government, Catholic or Protestant, Democratic or Republican, were led to order night raids on the Washington Cathedral, on the most important Catholic or Protestant churches in New York and Boston, if the United States government should be stupid enough to raid these churches, to order thousands of clergymen and nuns rounded up like criminals, carted off like criminals, some of them killed, if all the students of the Ivy League had risen in protest and they in turn had been rounded up like criminals–do you think it would be necessary to wonder if the crisis is religious or political?

U.S. Press Playbacks (1963)

Bev Keever Collection (Packet 128)

Monks (Undated)

“Western correspondents found that reporting on the Buddhist events was becoming increasingly risky. On July 7, for the first time, government police scuffled with foreign correspondents and damaged their cameras while they were covering a Buddhist ceremony at the entrance of a pagoda.”

Beverly Deepe Keever

(Keever, 104-105)